Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Personal Trainers own journey with getting healthy...join me today

So here we go, here is another person's story, why would anyone care?  I may not be famous but I have a story just like you have a story to tell.  I just turned 40 and realized that my life has only just begun. Yes I am a Personal Trainer and an Adventure Boot Camp owner, but I am still a person that has a story that I believe needs to be told....
I would like to invite you on my journey or my story of getting healthy.  Have I arrived today? Not at all... am I closer than I was a year ago, yes I believe I am.  Is this another story about a person who loses weight, runs a marathon, completes a triathlon, overcomes some major health crisis, or tragedy?  Well it could be if you choose to read and follow my own journey for the next year... See I have started a journey and I am inviting you to come along for the ride.  For years I have tried to connect with that one part of myself that I lost due to my own life experiences.  I am seeking peace in my own world of self turmoil.  I have been afraid to embrace that one side of myself that I felt has failed me... my spiritual side...As I embark on this new stage of my journey, I am putting my story out on a limb that hopefully you may connect or relate to your own journey.  So join me on this journey of spiritual self discovery and pay attention to my posts... give me your comments and your own stories that may relate. Believe me it can be very therapeutic to connect with others who have experienced life in a similar way...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Save Money by Hiring a Personal Trainer...

How many times have you spent lamenting over how you have failed at reaching your fitness goals?  Did you dust off your treadmill and remove all the clothes hanging from it and start trying again? Maybe you found your gym membership card or put the directions back in your GPS to find your way back to the gym.  Have you resolved again this year to lose the weight and get rid off that excess jiggle? 

But have you truly made the decision in your mind or were you just having another conversation with yourself or your loved ones how you are going to make that commitment.  Yes life is hard, you have no time, "you just don't understand, I have tried all the exercise and diet fads."  The fads maybe work for a little while and then you lose focus or interest or find your excuses "at least I tried", I do get that..

Did you know that 95% of the diets or fad exercise programs don't work!  Why, do you ask?  Because you are not the same as everyone else, you are unique and your reason for quitting on your health is not the same reason your neighbor, sister, or even your spouse quits.  So are you destined to fail again this year?

Your are only destined to fail if you chose to quit on yourself and your health, mental and physical.  Sure finding guidance from the experts is great way to help you achieve your goals however those experts are only guides and coaches.  The best experts out there can help you with the tools but they will not do it for you, that is ultimately up to you. 

So are you going to "try" again at reaching those crazy goals or are you going to start your action plan today.  Did you know you can start your life any day of the week it doesn't always have to be Monday?  Stop letting those old messages stop you forget about your past mistakes and start fresh today, right now get up and start doing, start making those dreams of health come to life!!

Did you know you could save money by getting the help of a coach or a Personal Trainer?  How do you ask.. Think about it, if you are focused on attaining a healthy body today, you won't have to purchase a new wardrobe next year at this time because you failed one more time.  By getting moving and healthy you can save your dollars from adding one more prescription or one more Dr. visit this year.  Commit to saving money today and enlist the help of the experts...

A personal trainer should be, at the least, educated and certified through a reputable fitness organization.  This person's job is to assess your fitness level, set up a program for you and keep you motivated. He or she will push you past your comfort level--something difficult to do on your own. A trainer also provides:

• guidance on reaching your goals

• education about strength training, cardio and basic nutrition

• a reason to show up at the gym each week

• accountability

• ways to help track your progress

So think about it invest in saving money today, get the help you need enlist the help of Personal Trainer, and start saving for a bigger retirement....

Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Confessions of a Realilty Show Loser", the real story behind "Biggest Loser"

Biggest Loser, anyone heard of it?? Silly question right!? So what happens to all those winners or "losers" as they would call them after the show? No longer in the fishbowl of the cameras, no longer on the "ranch" with Jillian or Bob coaching or yelling, giving them their workouts, no longer provided with a pantry full of the right foods, no longer the support of others trying to reach the same goal. What truly happens to them?

If you are truly curious, you need to catch the new show on Discovery Health about Eric Chopin, Season 3 winner named "Confessions of a Reality Show Loser".

Wow, talk about reality check. Not to give the whole show away but Eric has succeeded in returning to his former self, the man he was that brought him to the "Biggest Loser" in the first place. He not only gained almost (just under 40lbs of his previous weight) all his weight back, but he has managed to find himself in a place of no purpose, working for his father-in-law and hating it, a man struggling to find himself. Or is it, that he never truly lost that man with the excess weight, he only lost the weight?...

What I have learned with my own struggles in the world of weight loss is that you are human and that your journey never ends when the weight comes off. If some of you know me, know that I was once a bodybuilder and trained just as hard as Eric did on the "Biggest Loser" and achieved what some may call the perfect body. Yet achieving the perfect body means that you are expecting perfection from yourself each and everyday. And although you may look the part you certainly don't feel the part of the perfect body.

See the belief is that if you look good on the outside then everything is perfect, you are a successful, happy and you have no worries or problems. So if you are overweight and see someone with the "perfect" body you want to achieve that "perfect" body to make all your troubles go away. But did you know that you still take the mind of your "fat" self with you. Politically incorrect or not when someone is truly overweight the thoughts they experience are loaded with unwanted fat, garbage, trash. Yes there are some who experience weight gain due to medical conditions etc. however they are few and far between.

In a journey to “lose weight” one needs to address those “fat” thoughts in order to achieve a sustained and maintainable “weight loss”. As you will see in Eric’s journey back to “weight loss” he is addressing his true realities of being “fat” in his thoughts.

Although I am not a big fan of the “Biggest Loser” on many levels I do see some lesson’s to be learned. You can see the show addressing on a small scale the emotional “fat loss” journey, as well as this year they addressed the financial “fat loss” journey. However the need, for emotional and physical fat loss, that brings most of the contestants to the show gets lost in the game for the big bucks, as Eric Chopin learned the hard way.

If you are a fan or not a fan of the “Biggest Loser” I recommend you catch an episode of “Confessions of a Reality Show Loser” and what it really takes to lose weight.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Becoming a recovering multitasker to achieve harmony with my physical self....

Have you ever described yourself as a multitasker?

Let's face it multitasking is just another word for you never getting anything done and you can never focus enough on one thing to finish it... Our lives are always in perpetual motion and it seems that motion is constantly getting faster. As I am writing this blog, I am in the process of answering my emails and facebook messages all at the same time, oh and don't forget letting the dogs in and out of the backdoor.

I always thought I was a multitasker and yes I can say that I am. Yet I have realized owning my own business and being a multitasker means I can be in a state of chaos.

The opposite of chaos is harmony and order. I have realized with everyday that I work to grow myself with my business and my life I need  harmony, clarity and focus.

Yes, I know you are wondering what is my point to all this? What does that have to do with your fitness goals? Everything! Have you ever watched someone get on a treadmill or bike, in the gym, and read a magazine or for that matter talk on the phone? Or maybe you see your neighbor walking with their dog, stopping and starting (because the dog has to do his or her business of course). That is truly fantastic that these people are actually taking the time to exercise. Yet are they truly achieving or are they resigning themselves to multitask while exercising also...

Did you know that exercise can also be a time for you to connect with your physical self.  If you spent more time focusing on bringing harmony to your body by moving your body and being in the moment of exercising you can achieve so much more with your fitness goals.  Just like any other goal if you focus, have clarity, and take action you can achieve a better self physically as well as mentally.

So, if you are multitasking while exercising you will find that your physical self is also in a state of chaos. When it comes to exercise and physical fitness it is important to remember if you are chaotic you will most likely get chaotic results. You need to have a plan, a realistic desired result and be able to work that plan.
How do you set up a plan? Just like me writing a business plan I chose to seek the advice of others, who have been in business and know how to set up the plan, you can ask for help in finding harmony with your health and wellness goals.

Trying to reach your goals of health and wellness especially if you have been in the habit of avoiding the subject are destined to fail if you choose to go at it alone.  In order to find harmony with your chaotic goals, support and guidance are needed to help you achieve your best self.  With help you can find clarity, focus and peace in achieving the best possible person you can be in this world.

Everyone has a destiny to be great in their own world or right, yet, if you are currently living in chaos you are doing a disservice to your family, friends and this world.  Give up your control of every situation and give in to your right to ask for help.  Their is an abundance of options to help you achieve your best self, so open yourself and your mind to the possibilities, shake off the chaos, and find harmony and clarity with help. 
When you go off track with your health and wellness often times you are in a state of chaos in more parts of your life.  With support and guidance you can achieve harmony and peace with all parts of your life, as a professional in the health and wellness industry I am always seeking support and guidance to achieve a better self.
So, start your recovery process now.. Make a commitment to clear out the chaos and clutter and join our next Boot Camp, or try out our  Personal Training Services.   What are you waiting for?